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DCTH Series Pressure Regulators

Classification: Gas Pressure Regulator

Release time: 04-01-2024

Number of views: 28

Product Summary: Structural Configuration:High Precision in Pressure RegulationReliable Shut-offDamping meets UNI-EN88 and UNI-EN161 stan...

Product details

Structural Configuration:

High Precision in Pressure Regulation

Reliable Shut-off

Damping meets UNI-EN88 and UNI-EN161 standards

Operated by spring tension opening the gate, no auxiliary energy required

Inlet pressure compensation, standard safety diaphragm for rapid sealing

Used in burner systems, industrial transmission and distribution, and urban residential applications

Suitable for: city gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, other non-corrosive gases, and air. Aluminum valve body; internal components made of aluminum, steel, brass, and synthetic materials; diaphragm and gaskets made from nitrile and polybutadiene rubber.

Technical Specifications:

Inlet Pressure: P1: 2 kpa - 130 kpa (20 mbar - 1.3 bar)

Outlet Pressure: P2: 0.8 kpa - 50 kpa (8 mbar - 500 mbar)

Flow Range: 40 - 3000 Nm3/h (natural gas)

Pressure Regulation Accuracy: ±5%

Shut-off Pressure: ≤1.2P

Connection Types:

Threaded interface (DN20-DN50) conforming to ISO228/1

Flanged interface (DN25-DN100) conforming to ISO7005

Operating Temperature: -10℃ to +60℃

Nominal Pressure: PN16

Gas Pressure Regulator
Gas Pressure Regulating Box
Gas Pressure Regulating Station (Skid)
CNG Pressure Reduction Skid
LNG Vaporization Station (Skid)
LNG Refueling Station
CNG Filling Station
PLC Control System
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Jiangsu Dachang Gas Equipment Co., Ltd.

Phone: 86-0515-83664888

Fax: 86-0515-83664666

Email: dcgas@cndcgas.com

Address: Liuzhuang Industrial Park, Dafeng District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province

Copyright:Jiangsu Dachang Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. Filing number:Su ICP Bei 17011481